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Our Parish usually has services every 1st and 3d Sunday of each month.

Every 2nd Sunday of the month - Divine Liturgy at our sister Parish in Portsmouth

Church Building Fund Appeal

Please help us raise funds to purchase our own building.
You can donate to
Orthodox Parish of St Silouan.
Sort Code 60-20-45
Acc No. 45159726

Thank you!

Next Services: 

Please Note:
We have a new location for services in Southampton:

Catholic Church of St Brigid

30 Woodlea Gardens
West End
Southampton SO30 3GA

Next services in Southampton

Saturday 1st March
6.00pm Vespers, followed by confessions

Sunday, 2nd March
Forgiveness Sunday (Cheesefare).
10am Hours and Divine Liturgy


Next services in Winchester

at Holy Trinity Church

Saturday, 15 March - tbc

10.00am - Hours, general confession
10.30am - Divine Liturgy.

The church is under 10 minutes walk from the Winchester railway station, about 5-7 minutes walk from Winchester bus station. The nearest public car park, St Peter's, is across the road from the church (driving down the North Walls Rd you need to turn left at the traffic lights about half way down onto Hyde Abbey/Gordon Rd).
If you drive 100-150 metres further along the Gordon Rd you find another, cheaper car park (next to the old River Park leisure centre).


Services are usually held in Southampton every 1st weekend of the month.

Every 3rd Sunday of the month - Divine Liturgy at our sister Parish in Portsmouth.


Sunday 15 November

24th Sunday of Pentecost. Tone 7.
Martyrs Acindynus, Pegasius, Aphthonius, Elpidephorus, and Anempodistus and others.

Obednitsa (Reader service)  10.30 – 12.00

Followed by Tea / Coffee, all welcome.

Sunday School – Charis will be continuing the Sunday school during the service.

Next Vespers and Liturgy - Sat 5th / Sun 6th December at usual times.


Parish Newsletter - November 2015


Saturday, 31st and Sunday, 1st November 2015

22nd Sunday of Pentecost. Tone 5.
Prophet Joel. St Frideswide, Wonderworker of Oxford.

Vespers – 6.30pm followed by an opportunity for confession

Hours and confession – 10.30
Divine Liturgy – 11.00

Followed by Parish meal, all welcome. Donations of food on the day would be much appreciated.

Sunday School – Charis will be continuing the Sunday school this week.


Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th October 2015

18th Sunday of Pentecost. Tone 1.
Leavetaking of The Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-giving Cross.
Uncovering of the relics of St Demetrius of Rostov.

Vespers – 6.30pm followed by an opportunity for confession

Hours and confession – 10.30
Divine Liturgy – 11.00

Followed by Parish meal, all welcome. Donations of food on the day would be much appreciated.

Sunday School – Charis will be continuing the Sunday school this week. Charis uses an Orthodox Church Sunday school curriculum that follows the calendar, and educates children in the faith and liturgical life of the Church. The Sunday school takes place in the kitchen for children over 3 years of age, and Charis will be there from 10.30am and thereafter for the children. If you would like your children to participate, please bring them into the Church to venerate the icons, light candles etc., then take them to meet Charis in the kitchen. The children will be brought back into the service to participate at key points of the service, but are, of course, free to stay for more of the service as they feel able to do so.


Rector's greetings on the Feast of St Silouan, Sep 11th/24th

Dear Friends, 
I would like to congratulate you on this day of the Feast of St Silouan, our patron saint. To have a patron saint, whether personal or collective, is not a formality. Certainly they watch over us and pray for us, and if we will take the trouble to pray and develop a relationship with them, blessings will follow. I feel strongly that the establishment and development of our community over the last five years owe a lot to the intercession of St Silouan. As we contemplate his icon, his gentle gaze seems to draw us away from sinful passions and from all purely earthly preoccupations and encourage us to focus on the one thing needful, to know Christ in the Holy Spirit.
Our parish was represented at the celebrations at the Monastery of St John the Baptist today by a small delegation. You were all prayed for at the moleben to St Silouan. We are grateful for the generous hospitality of the monastic community.
I would like to do what we can in honour of our patronal festival by singing the Akathist to St Silouan after Vespers on Sat. Oct 3rd, so please come if you can. Meanwhile, if you would like to read it yourself, you can find it here in English, and here in Slavonic.
May God bless you all,
Fr Joseph



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