Fifth Sunday of Great Lent. Ven. Mary of Egypt
Obednitsa (reader service) starts at 10.45am with the hours.
The Obednitsa is a service that we are blessed to hold when our priest cannot be with us, and contains all parts of the Liturgy except those pertaining to Holy Communion. Because of this, it is a shorter service, usually lasting no more than an hour. We are scheduling an Obednitsa for the 3rd Sunday of most months so that the community can meet to pray between the Liturgies that are normally served on the first Sunday.
We will follow the service with tea/coffee instead of our usual parish meal.
Fr. Joseph will next be with us for the weekend 7th/8th May, when he will serve vespers and the Liturgy. This will be Thomas Sunday, the first Sunday after Pascha.
Sunday School
The Sunday school will be running both during weeks when we have the Liturgy, and weeks when we have an Obednitsa. Charis uses an Orthodox Church Sunday school curriculum that follows the calendar, and educates children in the faith and liturgical life of the Church.
We are aiming to start the Sunday school at 10.45am on weeks when we have serve the Obednitsa, and at 10.30am on weeks when we have the Liturgy.