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Our Parish usually has services every 1st and 3d Sunday of each month.

Every 2nd Sunday of the month - Divine Liturgy at our sister Parish in Portsmouth

Church Building Fund Appeal

Please help us raise funds to purchase our own building.
You can donate to
Orthodox Parish of St Silouan.
Sort Code 60-20-45
Acc No. 45159726

Thank you!

Next Services: 

Please Note:
We have a new location for services in Southampton:

Catholic Church of St Brigid

30 Woodlea Gardens
West End
Southampton SO30 3GA

Next services in Southampton

Saturday 1st February
6.00pm Vespers, followed by confessions

Sunday, 2nd February
10am Hours and Divine Liturgy

Saturday 1st March
6.00pm Vespers, followed by confessions

Sunday, 2nd March
10am Hours and Divine Liturgy


Next services in Winchester

at Holy Trinity Church

Saturday, 15th February - tbc
Saturday, 15 March - tbc

10.00am - Hours, general confession
10.30am - Divine Liturgy.

The church is under 10 minutes walk from the Winchester railway station, about 5-7 minutes walk from Winchester bus station. The nearest public car park, St Peter's, is across the road from the church (driving down the North Walls Rd you need to turn left at the traffic lights about half way down onto Hyde Abbey/Gordon Rd).
If you drive 100-150 metres further along the Gordon Rd you find another, cheaper car park (next to the old River Park leisure centre).


Services are usually held in Southampton every 1st weekend of the month.

Every 3rd Sunday of the month - Divine Liturgy at our sister Parish in Portsmouth.


Sunday, 6 February 2011 – Divine Liturgy

Memory of St. Ksenia of St. Petersburg

life story of St Ksenia

Hours and confessions 10.30am
Liturgy 11.00am

Holy Water from Theophany will be available. Please bring a small container if you wish to take some.

Followed by meal, all welcome.
Donations of food on the day would be much appreciated.


Christmas Service

On Sunday 9th January the parish of St. Silouan celebrated its first Christmas. As this was the first Sunday after Christmas, the feast of St. Joseph the Righteous, we were able to congratulate Fr. Joseph on his Saint’s day. Fr. Joseph spoke about the example of St. Joseph, the faith and humility by which he gave his service to God without the expectation of thanks or reward.
A congregation of nearly 50 people attended, and a festal meal was held afterwards, attended by Fr. William, priest of Holy Trinity, in whose parish hall we hold our services.
This was also the first time we used the portable iconostasis kindly loaned to us by the Parish of St. Nicholas, in Oxford, who now own their own Church (see

Photos of the day.


St Nicholas eve Food Fair

St. Nicholas Eve Eastern European Food Fair with Craft Exhibition and Sale by the Sisters of the St. Elizabeth Monastery, Minsk, Belarus took place on Saturday 18th December 2010 at the St. Boniface Church hall, Southampton.

The food was all really good, and it was impressive to see how much we were able to produce between us.
When we woke up to all the snow, it was obvious that God had a different plan in it all - yes, Shirley Road was nearly empty, but this meant that at the end of the day we were able to give a substantial amount of food to the St. James shelter for the homeless near the City Centre. Sr. Elena and Max came with me to take the food there, and it was very gratefully received. We were told there were actually some Eastern European people sheltering there, who would have been particularly comforted by the food.
It was St. Nicholas's day after all!

You can now view some pictures of the event in the Photogallery.


Our first Parish Meeting

On Sunday, Oct. 10th, the Divine Liturgy was celebrated. Preaching on the gospel for the day, about the miraculous catch of fish (Lk 5, 1-11), Fr Joseph said that this dramatically illustrated the difference between what we can accomplish by our own efforts alone compared with what is possible with God's blessing. That is why it is important for us to ask the Lord's help in all undertakings, both great and small.

After the parish lunch, we had the first meeting of our newly-formed Parish Assembly. The meeting formally adopted the Parish Statutes, and unanimously elected Dr Paula Nicholson as Churchwarden and Mrs Oxana Sweeny as Treasurer. A number of other matters relating to the life of the community were discussed. These decisions will come into effect following their approval by the Diocesan Bishop, Archbishop Elisey of Sourozh.


Our first Patronal Festival

The first patronal festival of the Parish of Saint Silouan of Mount Athos was celebrated on Saturday 25th September, on the Saturday before the Elevation of the Precious and Life-giving Cross. Fr Joseph, in his homily, 
showed how the life of St. Silouan was a fulfilment of the Gospel for that day. (Matt.10:37-11:1): leaving his beloved family, St. Silouan took up the cross as a monk on Mount Athos. St. Silouan’s life and teaching show how to take up the cross, each one according to his or her given measure, in the humble acceptance of trials and adversity.
The Liturgy was followed by a moleben to St. Silouan, and a festal meal enjoyed by all. We were joined by Fr William Perry from the parish of Holy Trinity, by whose kindness we have been able to use the church hall for our services. 

You can view pictures here.

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