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Our Parish usually has services every 1st and 3d Sunday of each month.

Every 2nd Sunday of the month - Divine Liturgy at our sister Parish in Portsmouth

Church Building Fund Appeal

Please help us raise funds to purchase our own building.
You can donate to
Orthodox Parish of St Silouan.
Sort Code 60-20-45
Acc No. 45159726

Thank you!

Next Services: 

Please Note:
We have a new location for services in Southampton:

Catholic Church of St Brigid

30 Woodlea Gardens
West End
Southampton SO30 3GA

Next services in Southampton

Saturday 1st March
6.00pm Vespers, followed by confessions

Sunday, 2nd March
Forgiveness Sunday (Cheesefare).
10am Hours and Divine Liturgy


Next services in Winchester

at Holy Trinity Church

Saturday, 15 March - tbc

10.00am - Hours, general confession
10.30am - Divine Liturgy.

The church is under 10 minutes walk from the Winchester railway station, about 5-7 minutes walk from Winchester bus station. The nearest public car park, St Peter's, is across the road from the church (driving down the North Walls Rd you need to turn left at the traffic lights about half way down onto Hyde Abbey/Gordon Rd).
If you drive 100-150 metres further along the Gordon Rd you find another, cheaper car park (next to the old River Park leisure centre).


Services are usually held in Southampton every 1st weekend of the month.

Every 3rd Sunday of the month - Divine Liturgy at our sister Parish in Portsmouth.


Sunday, 2 September 2012

13th Sunday after Pentecost, tone 4.
Prophet Samuel (6th c. BC); St Oswin, King of Deira (Northumbria) and Martyr (651)

Hours and confession 10.30
Divine Liturgy 11.00

Followed by Parish meal, all welcome. Donations of food on the day would be much appreciated.


Sunday, 5 August 2012

9th Sunday after Pentecost, tone 8.
Pochaev icon of Mother of God
and Mother of God 'Joy of All Who Sorrow'


Hours and confession 10.30
Divine Liturgy 11.00

Followed by meal, all welcome. Donations of food on the day would be much appreciated.


July 11th - Anniversary of the repose of Fr. Sophrony

Archimandrite Sophrony, spiritual son and biographer of St. Silouan of Mt. Athos, and founder of the Monastery of St. John the Baptist, Essex



Sunday, 8 July 2012


5th Sunday after Pentecost, tone 4.
Virgin-martyr Febronia of Nisibis (304); St Moluac of Lismore (592)

Hours and confession 10.30
Divine Liturgy 11.00

Followed by meal, all welcome. Apostles' Fast – fish, wine and oil allowed. Donations of food on the day would be much appreciated.


Saturday, 2nd and Sunday, 3d June

8th Sunday after Easter, Tone 7.

Saturday 2nd June

Great Vespers 6.00pm
Confessions afterwards

Sunday 3d June

Hours and confession 10.30
Divine Liturgy 11.00

Refreshments provided immediately after service, followed by parish meal. All welcome. Donations of food on the day would be much appreciated.