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Our Parish usually has services every 1st and 3d Sunday of each month.

Every 2nd Sunday of the month - Divine Liturgy at our sister Parish in Portsmouth

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Orthodox Parish of St Silouan.
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Dormition 2021

On Sunday, August 29th, we celebrated the Feast of the Dormition of the Mother of God at St Joseph's Centre in Ashurst, near Southampton, a place we fell in love with when we had outdoor Liturgies there last year. We are most grateful to Fr Desmond for welcoming us back again.
Fr Joseph celebrated, assisted by Fr Deacon Victor and the servers Aleksandr and Ivan. Matushka Sarah and Paula sang the service.
A short moleben for the beginning of the school year was served after the Liturgy and the children were blessed.
We enjoyed a bring and share picnic and time of fellowship in the beautiful grounds of St Joseph's, after which Fr Joseph celebrated a thanksgiving moleben for our parishioners Paul and Tatiana, who were recently married. Altogether a blessed and joyful celebration of the 'summer Pascha'.
More pictures of the day in our Photogallery.

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