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« Sunday, 7 October 2012 | Main | Sunday, 23 September 2012 »

Charitable Concert 'The Slavyane' – Wednesday, 3d October 2012

Wednesday – 3d October 2012
Saint Elisabeth Convent
(Minsk, Belarus)

Male vocal group THE SLAVYANE gives charitable concert

Russian Orthodox Liturgical Music and traditional folk songs

at 7.30pm at Parish Church Hall, behind Holy Trinity Church, Millbrook, Southampton, SO15 0JZ

Retiring collection.

CDs, icons and souvenirs made in the Convent will be available.

Male vocal ensemble 'The Slavyane' is touring the UK with charitable concerts in support of social ministries of St Elisabeth convent, located in Minsk, Belarus. Their concerts in the UK will feature chants of the Orthodox Divine Liturgy as well as Russian, Belarusian and Ukranian traditional folk songs.

Spiritual and social help to the sick and the suffering is an indispensable part of the life at the convent that bears the name of Holy Martyr Elisabeth (Grand Princess Elisabeth, a granddaughter of British Queen Victoria, who organised the first SS Martha and Mary Convent for the impoverished and the needy in Moscow). The sisters and brothers of the Convent take care of the patients of the National Prychiatric Clinic and the boarding home for mentally and physically challenged children and adults; orphanage #7 for children with special needs (about 200 children); research institute of pulmonology and phthisiantry; the municipal skin and venerology clinic.

The convent also operates a farmstead located 19 miles from Minsk. There the sisters try to bring back to social life former drug and alcohol addicts. We plan to built a smaller rehabilitation centre for females and a Sunday school for children soon.

Beside a remarkable opportunity to enjoy good music, you will be able to participate in the charitable activities of the Convent and have opportunity to buy some beautiful icons, church goods and souvenirs made with love and prayer at the Convent's workshops.

May the Lord bless you!


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