of the Diocese of Sourozh:
The Russian Orthodox Church in Great Britain and Ireland
(Moscow Patriarchate)
1.1 A local religious organisation “The Orthodox Parish of St Silouan of Mt Athos in Southampton of the Sourozh Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church (the Moscow Patriarchate)”, hereinafter referred to as “the Parish”, is a voluntary association of adult individuals established for the purpose of confession of faith and advancement of the Orthodox Christian religion.
1.2 The Parish belongs to the Diocese of Sourozh: The Russian Orthodox Church in Great Britain and Ireland (Moscow Patriarchate), a religious organisation, hereinafter referred to as “the Diocese”. The Parish is part of the Diocese, is under the jurisdiction of the Diocese and is a canonical unit thereof.
1.3 The Parish shall be under the guidance and supreme governance of the Diocesan Hierarch, hereinafter referred to as “the Diocesan Hierarch” and under the governance of the Parish Rector (“the Rector”) appointed by the Diocesan Hierarch.
1.4 The Parish shall operate in compliance with the Statutes of the Russian Orthodox Church adopted by the Council of Hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church (the “Council of Hierarchs”) in 2000 (hereinafter referred to as “the Canonical Statutes”) and other internal edicts of the Russian Orthodox Church, and in compliance with decrees of the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Council of Hierarchs, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, decrees and orders of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, orders of the Diocesan Hierarch, and these Statutes.
The Parish shall be subject to the local jurisdiction of Great Britain.
The Parish shall be accountable to the Diocesan Hierarch. The decisions of the Diocesan Assembly and the Diocesan Council shall be binding upon the Parish.
1.5 The Parish, as a religious organisation, may own, use free of charge or otherwise exercise its proprietary rights over its property. The Parish shall be individually liable for its obligations.
The Parish shall not be liable for the obligations of the Diocese and the Diocese shall not be liable for the obligations of the Parish.
The Parish may on its own behalf acquire and exercise proprietary rights and obligations and can sue and be sued in court.
The Parish may hold accounts with banks and other credit institutions.
1.6 The Parish is accountable to the Diocese.
1.7 The Parish shall not participate in political parties and movements, and shall not provide them with financial or any other assistance and support.
Buildings and facilities owned by the Parish as well as the adjacent territories shall not be used for political meetings, demonstrations or other manifestations of political nature.
1.8 The Parish shall have the right to liaise with local authorities with respect to the matters which may affect its activities.
1.9 The Parish shall have its own headed paper and a seal bearing its full name and indicating its affiliation to the Diocese. The headed paper and the seal of the Parish shall not contain religious symbols unless such symbols indicate its affiliation with the Russian Orthodox Church. The form of the seal is subject to the approval of the Diocesan Hierarch.
1.10 The full name of the Parish is “The Orthodox Parish of St Silouan of Mt Athos in Southampton of the Diocese of Sourozh of the Russian Orthodox Church (the Moscow Patriarchate)”
The permanent executive body of the Parish (the Parish Council) is located at:
The Parish shall use its full name for the purposes of carrying out its statutory activities.
2.1 The Parish was established in 2010.
2.2 The Parish was established by adult individuals (over 18 years of age) of Orthodox Christian faith.
2.3 The Parish was established by the relevant written permission (blessing) of the Diocesan Hierarch.
2.4 The Parish Statute is subject to the approval of the Diocesan Hierarch and shall take effect after it is signed by the Diocesan Hierarch and affixed by the seal of the Diocese.
3.1 For the purpose of promoting the right to collective confession of faith and advancement of the Orthodox faith, the Parish may conduct the following activities:
- church services, sacraments, devotions, sacred processions and ceremonies in churches, chapels and other church buildings and in the areas adjacent to them, in other locations provided for such purposes, in places of religious worship (pilgrimage), in the locations of organisations created by the Parish or other religious organisations of the Russian Orthodox Church, in cemeteries and other similar locations, as well as in residential premises;
- church services, sacraments, devotions, sacred processions and ceremonies outside church buildings, places of religious veneration (pilgrimage) or other locations provided for such purposes shall be carried out in compliance with the procedure stipulated by law;
- church services, sacraments and devotions in medical institutions and hospitals, orphanages, old and disabled people homes and places of detention shall be carried out at the request of their residents and with the consent of their administration;
- church services, sacraments, devotions in military units and on ships (subject to military rules and regulations);
- promotion of the Orthodox Christian belief to people directly or through the media, including its own media resources;
- missionary activity;
- charitable activity, including in the area of social care of orphans and abandoned children, old and disabled people;
- religious education and upbringing, teaching religion;
- organising pilgrimages, entertaining religious officials;
- publishing and printing, distribution of other sources of information;
- production, acquisition, export, import and distribution of religious literature (including liturgical books), audio and video material and other religious items (including those made of precious metals and stones);
- involvement in design, construction and restoration of religious buildings whereby the Parish may act as a client;
- agricultural activity;
- entrepreneurial activity aimed at achieving the mission and objectives of the Parish set out herein.
In order to carry out activities which require a license, the Parish shall obtain the license in accordance with the established procedure.
For the purposes of carrying out the types of activity set out in this Article, the Parish may set up administrative units (in the form of unincorporated entities).
3.2 The Parish may, subject to the written consent (blessing) of the Diocesan Hierarch, incorporate legal entities (commercial and non-commercial organisations) in order to carry out:
- charitable, cultural and educational activities, publishing, printing, artistic, entrepreneurial and production activities;
- social care of orphans and abandoned children, old and disabled people;
- agricultural activity;
- activity related to design, construction and restoration of religious buildings;
- other activities in compliance with the rules and traditions of the Russian Orthodox Church and in compliance with the applicable national law.
The Parish may set up a school and any other educational institutions to teach the Orthodox Christian religion to children and adults. For these purposes the Parish may use its own facilities as well as facilities provided by the government, non-governmental and other organisations and private individuals on a contractual basis or free of charge.
The Parish may, subject to the written permission (blessing) of Diocesan Hierarch, incorporate media organisations.
The Parish may, subject to the written permission (blessing) of the Diocesan Hierarch, make contributions to the charter capital of commercial entities.
In order to promote its statutory activity (subject to the written permission of the Diocesan Hierarch) the Parish may establish voluntary unincorporated organizations, including brotherhoods and sisterhoods. In exceptional cases brotherhoods and sisterhoods may be incorporated.
3.3 The Parish shall be entitled to receive financial and other assistance for the restoration, maintenance and protection of buildings and other facilities of cultural and historical value owned by the Parish, for providing general education in educational institutions established by the Parish and other religious organisations of the Russian Orthodox Church within the Diocese, for carrying out charitable activity and for the implementation of projects and the organisation of events of social and educational importance.
The Parish may, subject to the written permission (blessing) of the Diocesan Hierarch develop cooperation with local and international charitable and humanitarian funds and organizations.
3.4 The Parish may teach the foundations of the Orthodox Christian faith to junior pupils in government educational institutions in accordance with the procedure established by law.
3.5 The Parish may, subject to the written permission (blessing) of the Diocesan Hierarch submit proposals to local administrative bodies with respect to establishing Orthodox cemeteries.
4.1 The Parish shall be governed by:
- The Diocesan Hierarch;
- The Rector;
- The Parish Assembly;
- The Parish Council;
- The Chairman of the Parish Council.
4.2 The activity of the Parish shall be monitored by the Audit commission.
4.3 Administrative units of the Parish (unincorporated entities) shall be established (dissolved) by the decision of the Parish Council with the written permission (blessing) of the Diocesan Hierarch.
5.1 The Diocesan Hierarch is the highest (governing) body of the Parish. The Diocesan Hierarch shall supervise and govern the Parish activities. The Diocesan Hierarch, shall, inter alia:
- monitor the proper performance of services and other devotions as prescribed by canonical order;
- appoint (remove) the Rector;
- have the right, at his own discretion, to release the Rector from his duties of the Chairman of the Parish Council;
- appoint (remove) the clergy;
- in cases provided herein, supervise the appointment of the members of the Parish Council or their removal therefrom;
- approve the appointment of the Rector’s assistant (the Churchwarden) and the Treasurer (or, in cases provided herein, terminate such appointment);
- have the right to appoint the Rector’s assistant (the Churchwarden) or any other person as the Chairman of the Parish Council (or terminate such appointment);
- approve this Statute with any amendments thereto;
- review and/or approve the annual report to the Diocese on the activity of the Parish, the Parish financial report and any other reports of the Parish;
- approve the resolutions (minutes) of the Parish Assembly;
- monitor religious, administrative, financial and commercial activities of the Parish and, if necessary, perform an audit of the Parish financial and commercial activities;
-perform other functions as prescribed by the Canonical Stautes of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Diocesan Statutes and this Statute.
6.1 The Rector shall be appointed (removed) by the relevant order of the Diocesan Hierarch;
Once removed from office, the rights and obligations imposed on the Parish Rector by virtue of his position shall be terminated.
6.2 The Rector is the head of the Parish and shall be in charge of its administration.
The Rector shall represent the Parish before governmental bodies and local authorities.
The Rector within the scope of his powers may act on behalf of the Parish without a Power of Attorney.
From the date of his appointment the Rector shall become the Chairman of the Parish Assembly.
The Rector shall also be the Chairman of the Parish Council (except the cases set out in p 8.2. hereof).
6.3 The Rector shall:
- ensure that church services, sermons and religious and ethical guidance of the parishioners are performed properly and in accordance with canonical order;
- perform his liturgical, pastoral and administrative duties properly and in compliance with the requirements of the canons of the Church and this Statute;
- organize catechetical, charitable, social and educational activities of the Parish;
- preside at, convene and chair the Parish Assembly;
- ensure proper management of the diary of church services and the Parish archive;
- guide the clergy;
- have the right, upon reasonable grounds, to suspend the implementation of resolutions of the Parish Assembly and the Parish Council related to canonical, confessional and internal church issues and refer them to the Diocesan Hierarch;
- issue orders and instructions in connection with the activity of the Parish which pursuant to this Statute falls within the scope of his authority;
- issue Powers of Attorney to act for and on behalf of the Parish;
-conduct official church correspondence and sign documents on behalf of the Parish which fall within the scope of his authority;
- submit for the consideration and/or approval of the Diocesan Hierarch documents approved by the Parish Assembly: resolutions (minutes) of the Parish Assembly, Parish annual reports to the Diocese on its activity, financial reports and any other reports of the Parish, as well as this Statute with any amendments thereto;
- exercise any other powers as prescribed by the Canonical Stautes of the Russian Orthodox Church and this Statute.
6.4 If the Rector fails to perform (properly perform) his duties or exercise his powers, he shall be subject to canonical sanctions and incur other liability in accordance with the applicable national law.
7.1 The governing body of the Parish is the Parish Assembly presided by the Rector who by virtue of his position is the Chairman of the Parish Assembly.
7.2 The Parish Assembly consist of the clergy personnel of the Parish, who are not under canonical suspension and who are not being prosecuted by a canonical or state court, and of adult citizens of Orthodox Christian faith (members of the laity) who are not subject to canonical sanctions, who regularly participate in the church services of the Parish and who, due to their dedication to Orthodoxy, moral character and experience of life, are considered worthy of being involved in making decisions with regard to the activity of the Parish.
The total membership of the Parish Assembly shall not be less than 10 people.
7.3 Candidates to the Parish Assembly shall submit a relevant petition (application) and shall be elected by the decision of the Parish Assembly approved by the Diocesan Hierarch.
A member of the Parish Assembly may be removed by the resolution of the Parish Assembly approved by the Diocesan Hierarch in the following cases:
- if such member has submitted a letter of resignation;
- in case of his/her death;
- in case of his/her failure to perform at least one of the duties set out in p. 7.4 hereof.
If a member of the Parish Assembly fails to perform at least one of the duties set out in p. 7.4 hereof the Diocesan Hierarch may by his individual decision replace all (part) of the members of the Parish Assembly with new members at his own discretion.
7.4 The duties of the member of the Parish Assembly:
- to observe canonical rules and any other internal edicts of the Russian Orthodox Church, including the Canonical Statute of the Russian Orthodox Church as well as this Statute;
- to attend meetings of the Parish Assembly (provided the relevant notification has been given), non-attendance being excused by the following circumstances evidenced by documents: illness, annual leave, business trip, call-up for military service, force majeure circumstances;
-to execute the decisions made by the Diocesan Hierarch, the Rector and the Parish Assembly in accordance with this Statute.
The members of the Parish Assembly shall perform their duty to participate in its activity free of charge.
7.5 The Parish Assembly shall:
-adopt the Statute of the Parish with all amendments thereto which shall subsequently be approved by the Diocesan Hierarch and take effect upon his signature;
- maintain the unity of the Parish and ensure that it stays under the diocesan jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church;
- choose (remove) members of the Parish Assembly in accordance with the procedure established by this Statute;
- elect (remove from office) the assistant to the Rector (Churchwarden) and the Treasurer in accordance with the procedure established by this Statute;
- elect (remove) members of the Audit commission;
- establish the procedure for possession, use and disposal of immovable property and highly-valuable items of movable property of the Parish in accordance with the Unified Procedure for Possession, Use and Disposal of Immovable Property and Highly-valuable Items of Movable Property of the Religious Organisations within the Russian Orthodox Church approved by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church.
- plan financial and economic activity of the Parish;
- be responsible for the care of the Parish property and promote its growth;
- approve the annual report of the Parish to the Diocese which is further submitted to the Diocesan Hierarch for approval;
- review the design and estimate documentation related to the construction, refurbishment and restoration of buildings owned by the Parish, approve the schedule of essential design, construction, repair and restoration works;
-review financial and other reports of the Parish and the Audit Commission to be subsequently reviewed and/or approved by the Diocesan Hierarch;
- approve the Parish list of staff;
- determine the amount of maintenance payable to the clergy;
- determine the amount of salary (remuneration) payable to individuals employed under employment or commercial contracts;
-review complaints against members of the Parish Assembly, Parish Council and Audit Commission and, if necessary, refer them to the Diocesan Hierarch;
-exercise other powers stipulated by the Canonical Statute of the Russian Orthodox Church and this Statute.
7.6 Meetings of the Parish Assembly shall be held as necessary, but at least one a year.
The Parish Assembly shall be convened by the Rector or upon the instruction of the Diocesan Hierarch, the Dean or any other person authorized by the Diocesan Hierarch.
The Rector or any other person authorized by the Diocesan Hierarch shall arrange for the notification of the time and place of the Parish Assembly to be sent to its members.
The meetings of the Diocesan Assembly shall be chaired by the Rector, or the Diocesan Hierarch, or the Dean, or any other person authorized by the Diocesan Hierarch, in accordance with the agenda proposed by the Chairman and adopted according to established procedure.
If the agenda of a Parish Assembly meeting includes election, re-election or removal of members of the Parish Assembly, such meeting shall be chaired by the Diocesan Hierarch, the Dean or any other person authorised by the Diocesan Hierarch.
7.7 The Parish Assembly shall be quorate if at least half of its members are present.
7.8 The Resolutions of the Parish Assembly shall be passed by the majority of votes of the members in attendance and the chairperson. In the event of a tied vote, the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
The resolutions of the Parish Assembly shall be stated in the Minutes. The Minutes of the Parish Assembly shall be taken by the Minuting Secretary chosen by the Assembly. The Minutes of the Parish Assembly shall be signed by the Rector and the Secretary, as well as by five other member of the Parish Assembly chosen at the relevant meeting as signatories on its Minutes.
7.9 The resolutions (Minutes) of the meetings of the Parish Assembly shall be submitted to the Diocesan Hierarch for approval. The decisions of the Parish Assembly shall take effect and become binding upon their approval by the Diocesan Hierarch.
8.1 The Parish Council is the permanent executive body of the Parish which implements the decisions of the Diocesan Hierarch, the Rector and the Parish Assembly.
The Parish Council consist of the Rector, the assistant to the Rector (the Churchwarden) and the Treasurer.
8.2 The Rector shall be the Chairman of the Parish Council. The Diocesan Hierarch may at his sole discretion:
- release the Rector from the duties of the Chairman of the Parish Council;
- appoint the assistant to the Rector (the Churchwarden) or any other person, including, but not limited to, members of clergy, as the Chairman of the Parish Council (for the term of three years with the right of re-appointment for the next term, without any limitation to the number of terms in office), and to make such person a member of the Parish Assembly and the Parish Council.
8.3 The Chairman of the Parish Council who does not hold the position of the Rector may be removed from office early by the decision of the Diocesan Hierarch in the following cases:
- his death;
- submission of a resignation letter;
- being unfit for the position, particularly due to lack (loss) of necessary skills
- violation of discipline;
- violation of canonical rules and other internal edicts of the Russian Orthodox Church;
- failure to comply with the requirements of the Canonical Stautes of the Russian Orthodox Church, the applicable national law or these Statutes.
8.4 The Assistant to the Rector (Churchwarden) and the Treasurer shall be elected by the Parish Assembly from among its members for the term of three years without any restriction on re-election and shall be confirmed in office by the Diocesan Hierarch.
8.5 The powers and authorities of the Assistant to the Rector (Churchwarden) and the Treasurer may be terminated early in the following cases:
- death
- voluntary cessation of membership of the Parish Council by submitting the relevant application in writing;
- removal from the Parish council by the decision of the Parish Assembly or the Diocesan Hierarch if the individual is unfit for the position, particularly due to lack (loss) of necessary skills; or in case of violation of discipline, canonical rules and other internal edicts of the Russian Orthodox Church, or in case of his failure to comply with the requirements of the Canonical Statute of the Russian Orthodox Church, the applicable national law or these Statutes.
8.6 The Parish Council within the scope of its authority shall:
- execute the decisions of the Diocesan Hierarch, the Rector and the Parish Assembly;
- prepare for review by the Parish Assembly the annual report on the activity of the Parish to be submitted to the Diocese, financial and other reports;
- keep the inventory book;
- be responsible for the care and maintenance, and keep account of church buildings, structures, facilities and adjacent territories, land parcels owned by the Parish as well as all other property in possession and use of the Parish;
- deal with current economic issues;
- subject to the written permission (blessing) of the Diocesan Hierarch, make a decision with regards to establishing commercial (non-commercial) organisations by the Parish and the participation of the Parish in the activity of commercial organizations, including making contributions to the charter capital of business entities;
- subject to the written permission (blessing) of the Diocesan Hierarch, decide on establishing (liquidation) of the Parish unincorporated administrative units and media entities;
- provide accommodation to members of the Parish clergy when needed;
- maintain order during church services;
- exercise other powers and authorities as prescribed by the Canonical Statutes of the Russian Orthodox Church and these Statutes.
8.7 The Chairman of the Parish Council shall conduct its meetings when necessary but in any event at least once every quarter. Extraordinary meetings of the Parish Council shall be held on the instructions of the Diocesan Hierarch or of the Rector.
Meetings of the Parish Council shall be quorate if all its members are present. All decisions shall be made by the majority of votes of those in attendance.
Meetings of the Parish Council may be chaired by the Diocesan Hierarch, the Dean or any other person authorized by the Diocesan Hierarch.
9.1 The Chairman of the Parish Council shall have the right to exercise without the power of attorney for and on behalf of the Parish the following powers:
- to issue directions (orders) with regards to employing (dismissing) Parish staff, enter into employment, commercial and financial liability contracts with employees (the Chairman of the Parish Council who does not hold the position of the Rector shall exercise such powers by the consent of the Rector);
- to manage and control the property and cash assets of the Parish and enter into the necessary agreements and other transactions for and on behalf of the Parish in accordance with the procedure set out herein (including transactions aimed at purchasing or obtaining free of charge the title to a property, or the right to use it);
- to represent the Parish in court;
- to issue powers of attorney granting authorisation to exercise for and behalf of the Parish the powers set out in this paragraph, and, if required, to liaise with government bodies, local administration and individuals.
If necessary, the Diocesan Hierarch shall enter with the Chairman of the Parish Council into a financial liability agreement.
9.2 The Chairman of the Parish Council shall have the right of first signature on banking and other financial documents.
After the Diocesan Hierarch decides to release the Rector or any other person from the duties of the Chairman of the Parish Council and until the necessary changes are made, the management and control of the cash assets of the Parish shall be agreed with the Diocesan Hierarch in writing.
9.3 The Treasurer (in his capacity as Chief Accountant) shall have the right of second signature on all banking and financial documents, shall keep account of and store the cash assets of the Parish, cash donations and other income.
The Parish shall maintain accounting records and prepare annual financial statements.
9.4 The duties of the assistant to the Rector (the Churchwarden) shall be determined by the Parish Assembly.
10.1 The Audit Commission shall monitor the activity of the Parish.
The Audit Commission consists of the Chairman and two members chosen by the Parish Assembly from among its members for a term of three years with the right of re-election (they cannot be re-elected more than twice, or, in exceptional cases, three times).
10.2 The Rector and the members of the Parish Council shall not be closely related to the members of the Audit Commission.
10.3 Within the scope of its authority, the Audit Commission shall:
- Monitor recording of collections, and preparation of reports of collections and cash donations received;
- carry out an annual inventory of the Parish property;
- check, if necessary, the availability of cash, the legality of allocation of funds, Parish accounts and tax reports; monitor the proper use for the specified purposes of donations and other targeted income from individuals or legal entities;
- if necessary, perform the audit of the Parish financial and economic activity and ensure proper care of and accounting for the Parish property.
10.4 the Audit Commission shall be accountable to the Parish Assembly.
An audit report shall be signed by all members of the Audit Commission and submitted by its Chairman to the members of the Parish Assembly which, subject to the written permission (blessing) of the Diocesan Hierarch, may, if necessary, start legal proceedings aimed at protecting the property rights and interests of the Parish.
If it is revealed that the financial and economic activity of the Parish is performed in gross violations of law, including involvement of its officials or administrative bodies in corrupt practices, illegal disposition of the Parish property, or gross mistakes in carrying out and registering financial transactions, the Audit Commission shall have the right to submit the Audit report directly to the Diocesan Hierarch.
10.5 As part of the audit procedure, the Audit Commission has the right to request the necessary documentation from the Parish officers and administrative bodies and to obtain clarifications with regard to various aspects of the financial and economic activity of the Parish.
10.6 The Diocesan Hierarch shall also have the right to perform an audit of the Parish and the legal entities established thereby.
10.7 If the membership of the Parish Council changes, or the Rector or the Chairman of the Parish Council is replaced, the Parish Assembly shall form a special commission consisting of three people in order to prepare a Report on the property and financial assets held by the Parish. The Parish Council shall use this Report to take over the assets of the Parish.
11.1 The sources of the Parish funds are listed below:
- donations given in connection with church services, sacraments and devotions;;
- donations obtained from distribution of religious items and literature (books, magazines, newspapers, audio-and video records, disks etc);
- other donations from individuals and legal entities, including donations given for specific purposes;
- income from sale of religious items and literature;
- income from the activity of the legal entities established by the Parish aimed at achieving its statutory objectives;
- other income not prohibited by law used in accordance with its statutory aims, including income from stock and other securities and bank deposits.
Income generated by the business activity of the Parish shall be used to promote the aims and objectives of the Parish set out in this Statute.
11.2. If the Parish does not have sufficient funds to build, restore or repair a church, representatives of the Parish may, on the basis of the relevant Power of Attorney issued by the Parish, undertake fundraising activity in the territory of the Diocese outside the boundaries of the land owned by the Parish. Fundraising activity for the said purpose in the territory of other Dioceses shall be subject to the written permission (blessing) of the Diocesan Hierarchs of the relevant Diocese.
11.3 The Parish shall allocate funds for the general needs of the Diocese in the amount and in accordance with the procedure established by the Diocese.
11.4 The Parish may own or have any other proprietary right to the property which is necessary to carry out its activity, including objects of cultural heritage (cultural and historical monuments).
11.5 The Parish may be granted the title or the right to use buildings, structures, land plots and any other property, including, but not limited to, objects of cultural heritage (cultural and historical monuments) owned by the government or local authorities, particularly religious and charitable buildings.
The Parish may have the right of ownership, right of free use or any other proprietary right to land plots if such plots are necessary to carry out its statutory activities, including agricultural activity, or building religious or charitable facilities.
The Parish may own or have any other proprietary rights to vehicles if such vehicles are necessary for the Parish to carry out its activity.
The Parish, subject to the written approval (blessing) of the Parish Hierarch, may purchase stock or any other securities and enter into loan agreements.
11.6 In addition to the main church building the Parish may have chapels located in private houses, health care institutions, old people’s homes, places of detentions, military units, cemeteries and other organizations in compliance with the national law.
The Parish may construct buildings, residential houses and service facilities for its own needs, subject to the applicable national laws and regulations.
11.7 Property to which the Parish has the right of ownership or any other proprietary right shall be regarded as property relating to the Russian Orthodox Church.
11.8 The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church shall establish:
- unified rules for possession, use and disposal of immovable property and high-value items of movable property of the Parish;
- the criteria for determining high-value items of movable property
No immovable assets (including land plots) of which the Parish has the right of ownership or any other proprietary right shall be disposed of (sold or leased) without a prior written consent (blessing) of the Diocesan Hierarch.
No immovable property shall be purchased, and no title, or the right to use such property shall be obtained in any other manner without written consent (blessing) of the Diocesan Hierarch.
Any disposition of the Parish property (including its monetary assets) shall be reported to the Diocesan Hierarch in compliance with the principle of canonical and financial accountability of the Parish to the Diocesan Hierarch.
11.9 In accordance with the Statutes of the Diocese of Sourozh, the immovable property of the Parish, being the property of a canonical unit of the Diocese of Sourozh, shall not be acquired or disposed of without the prior written consent (blessing) of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.
11.10 Movable and immovable property of the Parish used for church services shall be exempt from enforcement of creditors’ claims against the Parish.
11.11 The Parish may receive financial or other assistance from religious and charitable organizations and local authorities for restoration, maintenance and preservation of objects of cultural heritage of which the Parish has the right of ownership or any other proprietary rights.
11.12 In the event of the dissolution of the Parish, all property used for church services or other religious purposes to which the Parish has the right of ownership or any other proprietary right shall be passed to the Diocese. Any other property owned by the Parish shall be used to satisfy creditors’ claims. The remaining property, if any, shall be transferred to the ownership of the Diocese.
11.13 In the event of the dissolution of the Parish, all property the use of which was granted to the Parish by the Diocese, its canonical units, or by the canonical units of the Russian Orthodox Church shall be returned to the Diocese or to the relevant canonical units.
12.1 The Parish shall employ and dismiss its staff pursuant to employment contracts prepared in compliance with the applicable law. Employees of the Parish shall be subject to the national employment law. Employees and clergy of the Parish shall receive social benefits and shall be covered by medical and social insurance and pension schemes in accordance with the applicable law.
The Parish may use volunteers who are wiling to serve the Parish free of charge.
The personal files of the clergy shall be kept by the Diocese. The file of Parish employees shall be kept by the Parish in accordance with the applicable law.
12.2 The employees of the Parish shall observe the internal code of conduct which reflects the nature of work in a religious organisation of the Russian Orthodox Church.
12.3 The Parish shall be dissolved by the decision of the Diocesan Hierarch or by a court order on the grounds of, and in accordance with, the procedure stipulated by the applicable law.
Should the Parish Assembly pass a resolution directing the Parish to leave the jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church the Parish would cease to be part of a diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church and would be subject to liquidation; the Parish would also lose its right to use in its name the wording and religious symbols indicating its association with the Russian Orthodox Church.